*UPDATE* Brouhaha over Bess
You will want to pick up Friday's DAR. Reporter Tim Krakowiak is working on a follow-up from Tuesday's meeting of the TRCC Board of Trustees. It will be very interesting.
Just to stop any rumors before they start, nobody has been fired or resigned, but Tim's story may offer some insight into the whole brouhaha.
Also, to answer some question the paper has had about our coverage, the letter from the college ran on the front page because it came from the college (it's posted on their website here. When they release an item like that, it's not a letter to the editor, it's a news release or a statement to the media.
In printing the entire letter from the members of the board, it allows you the reader to make up your own mind.
The two men who wrote the "open letter" sent it to the paper to be published as a letter to the editor. Anybody can send in a letter to the editor as long as it is signed and includes a contact number (so we know you are the one that wrote it) but they run in the opinion page as space allows.
I will be writing a column for Sunday's paper, but tonight it's off to Cape Central-Bluff soccer so no comments.