
High School Football Forum: Jamboree's

Posted by Headhunt on Fri, Aug 21, 2009, at 10:56 PM:

Wondered if anyone attended the Jamboree in Farmington....and had an objective opinion of how it went. Could not make it , and wondered how Bluff Cape Central , Jackson , and Farmington looked?

Anyone stick out as THE team at the Jamboree???

Just curious

Replies (1)

  • Its really hard to tell. Alot of these coaches use alot of different players during these jamboree's to see how these guys react under full speed pressure instead of a practice scrimmage. I think a better judgement can be made during the first couple of games after all their adjustments have been made.

    -- Posted by tlc2cann on Sat, Aug 22, 2009, at 5:41 AM

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